Friday, July 27, 2012

Feel Tips - Fast Find Excel's XLStart Folder

When you install Microsoft Excel, a special fold XLStart will be created. XLStart folder is a place for Excel to store the workbook template, Book.xltx. If we store a workbook in XLStart folder, Excel will open it when we launch Excel  automatically at every time.

However, users seldom use the XLStart folder. When we want to use XLStart folder in a special time we might not remember the entire path. So XLStart folder is difficult for us to find it out. In addition, the location isn’t always the same from system to system (it depends on your operating system and other installation priorities). When sometimes, we need to update the workbook template or save a workbook to XLSStart folder, we may never find it. Even we find it at last it may cost us a lot of time.

Fortunately, there is a quick solution to find Excel’s XLStart folder. Through Immediate Window in the VBE (Visual Basic Editor) we can fast find Excel’s XLStart folder.Follow the steps below:
  1. Open an ExcelWorksheet
  2. Press [Alt]+[F11] to launch the VBE.
  3. If the Immediate Window isn’t visible, press [Ctrl]+g.
  4. In the Immediate Window, type ? application.StartupPath and press key Enter. VBA will display the path to XLStart.

Wish this quick Excel tip can help you at some time when you need find Excel’s XLStart folder. 

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