Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Feel Tips - Transpose Data from Rows to Columns in Excel

When you deal with data in an Excel worksheet, you can always find some easy way.  For example, when you want to transpose data from rows to columns, you don’t need to do it manually. Microsoft Excel provides a handy transpose option that will quickly take care of the task.

Suppose we’ve put some data information in an Excel worksheet. There are three column headings running across Row 1 and four row headings running down Column A. Details can be found in the image below.

Now, if we want to transpose data from rows to columns, we don’t have to re-key the data to make the current set of row labels (months) running across the columns.

First, select and copy the entire data range. Then, choose a location in the worksheet to place data. Third, right click to Paste Special menu. A new window will pop up.  Fourth, select the checkbox as the image below (transpose-data-2). At last, click OK. The data will be transposed from rows to columns automatically. 

Result Effect:

Through Past Special menu, you are not limited to transpose data from rows to columns. It works as well when you need to turn a single row of labels into a column, or vice versa.

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